The Good and Bad of Membrane Keyboards

November 7, 2023

When it comes to gaming, typing, or working in the office, you'll most likely be using membrane keyboards, the most common, popular, and affordable computer keyboards. It's usually the entry point into the digital world, offering an easily accessible tool. It's like a familiar presence amidst a sea of tech gadgets, readily available at your local electronics store or office.

Not only is it budget-friendly, but it may even come as a complementary addition to your new computer. The best part is its quiet operation, allowing you to type without causing a disturbance. However, it does have its drawbacks.

In this article, let's discover the components of membrane keyboards, how they work, their pros and cons, and more. We'll also compare them to mechanical keyboards in terms of quality,  typing experience, and value for money. 

What is a Membrane Keyboard

What exactly is a membrane keyboard?

A membrane keyboard is a type of keyboard in which the keys are not individual mechanical switches but rather part of a continuous, flexible surface or membrane. This design makes the keyboard more streamlined, compact, and lightweight, making membrane keyboards popular for their portability and affordability.

The membrane layer also provides a soft and quiet typing experience, which can be preferred in certain environments. However, it's important to note that membrane keyboards may not offer the same tactile feedback and durability as mechanical keyboards.

These keyboards are commonly used in a variety of consumer electronics, computer peripherals, and industrial applications.

Parts of a Mechanical Keyboard

Let's explore the different components of a mechanical keyboard and understand what sets it apart from a membrane keyboard. These components work together to provide a functional and cost-effective keyboard design.

  1. Top membrane layer: This is the top surface of the keyboard that you press when you want to type. It contains the printed or etched outlines of the keys and serves as the user interface. When you press a key, it flexes downward to make contact with the bottom membrane layer.
  2. Bottom membrane layer: This is the bottom surface of the keyboard, opposite the top membrane layer. It also contains printed or etched conductive traces. When you press a key, the top membrane layer makes contact with this bottom layer, closing an electrical circuit.
  3. Spacer layer: A spacer layer, often made of rubber or foam, separates the top and bottom membrane layers. When you press a key, this spacer layer compresses, allowing the two membrane layers to make contact. The spacer layer also provides the "mushy" feel associated with membrane keyboards.
  4. Conductive traces: Printed or etched conductive traces on both the top and bottom membrane layers form a grid of circuits. When a key is pressed, the conductive traces on the top layer make contact with the corresponding traces on the bottom layer, completing an electrical circuit and registering the keypress.
  5. Controller or PCB (Printed Circuit Board): The keyboard controller or PCB is responsible for interpreting the electrical signals generated when keys are pressed. It processes these signals and sends the corresponding input data to the computer.
  6. Key labels: These are the labels or symbols that appear on the keys, indicating which character or function each key represents.
  7. Outer casing: The outer casing of the keyboard encloses and protects all the internal components. It also provides the structure and support for the keys and membrane layers.
  8. Rubber domes: Some membrane keyboards use rubber dome switches under each key. These rubber domes provide a slight springiness to the keypress, which can enhance the tactile feel. When a key is pressed, the rubber dome collapses, pushing the top membrane layer down to make contact with the bottom membrane layer.
  9. Additional features: Depending on the specific design and purpose of the membrane keyboard, it may include additional features such as multimedia keys, function keys, or shortcut keys. These keys are typically integrated into the top membrane layer and serve various functions.

How Does It Work

A membrane keyboard works by using a flexible membrane with printed or etched conductive traces to register keypresses and send input signals to a computer or electronic device. 

  1. Keypress: When you press a key on the membrane keyboard, you apply downward force to the top membrane layer, which is the visible surface with the printed or etched key outlines.
  2. Contact closure: The applied force causes the top membrane layer to flex or deform, making it come into contact with the bottom membrane layer which closes the circuit. The bottom membrane layer also has printed or etched conductive traces.
  3. Electrical circuit completion: The contact between the top and bottom membrane layers completes an electrical circuit. The specific key you pressed corresponds to a unique pair of conductive traces on both layers. When they make contact, an electrical signal is generated.
  4. Controller processing: The electrical signals from the completed circuits are sent to a controller or printed circuit board (PCB) located within the keyboard. This controller is responsible for interpreting the signals and translating them into specific keypresses or input commands.
  5. Input transmission: The controller then sends the corresponding input data to the connected computer or electronic device. The device's operating system or software processes this input data, recognizing the keypress and performing the associated action (e.g., typing a letter, executing a command).
  6. Release and reset: When you release the key, the top membrane layer returns to its original position due to the resilience of the spacer layer (typically made of rubber or foam). This separation of the top and bottom membrane layers breaks the electrical circuit, signaling to the controller that the keypress has ended.

Pros and Cons of Membrane Keyboards

Membrane keyboards have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, making them suitable for some users and situations while not as well-suited for others. Here are the pros and cons of membrane keyboards:

Pros of Membrane Keyboards

  1. Affordability: Membrane keyboards are generally more cost-effective to manufacture and purchase than mechanical keyboards. This makes them accessible to a wide range of users. They often come bundled with new computers, making entire brand-new computer systems good value for your money.
  2. Low noise level: Membrane keyboards are quiet during operation, which can be beneficial in quiet environments, shared workspaces, or situations where noise is a concern.
  3. Durability: These keyboards are known for their durability. They are less prone to damage from spills and dust because of their enclosed design and lack of exposed mechanical parts.
  4. Spill resistance: The design of membrane keyboards often includes a protective layer that shields the internal components from liquid spills. This feature is particularly useful in environments where spills are common.
  5. Comfortable typing experience: The "mushy" feel of membrane keys can be comfortable for extended typing sessions, especially for users who do not require a high level of tactile feedback.

Cons of Membrane Keyboards

  1. Lack of Tactile Feedback: Membrane keyboards lack the tactile and audible feedback provided by mechanical switches. This can result in a less satisfying and less responsive typing experience for some users.
  2. Reduced Key Rollover: Membrane keyboards may have limitations in key rollover, meaning they can struggle to register multiple key presses simultaneously. Often, there is no anti-ghosting feature in membrane keyboards. This can be a drawback for gamers and power users who require rapid and precise keystrokes.
  3. Shorter Lifespan: Membrane key switches tend to have a shorter lifespan compared to mechanical switches. Over time, the rubber domes or membranes degrade leading to reduced key responsiveness.
  4. Limited Customization Options: Membrane keyboards typically offer limited options for customization compared to mechanical keyboards. They may not support switch replacements or keycap customization.
  5. Potential for "Mushy" Keypresses: Some users find the soft and somewhat spongy feel of membrane keys to be less satisfying and less accurate for typing, especially when compared to the crisp and precise feel of mechanical switches.

What Makes Membrane Keyboards Cheap

Several factors contribute to the cost-effectiveness of membrane keyboards, making them a more affordable option compared to mechanical keyboards. But as they say, you get what you pay for. While membrane keyboards are cost-effective, they may not offer the same level of tactile feedback, customization, and durability as mechanical keyboards. As a result, their lower cost often reflects a trade-off between affordability and certain features or qualities that some users may prioritize.

  1. Simplified design: Membrane keyboards have a relatively simple and streamlined design. They lack the complex mechanical components, such as individual switches and springs, found in mechanical keyboards. This simplicity reduces manufacturing costs.
  2. Fewer components: Membrane keyboards have fewer parts and components, which lowers production costs. They typically consist of two membrane layers, a spacer layer, and a controller, as opposed to the numerous individual switch components found in mechanical keyboards.
  3. Materials: The materials used in membrane keyboards are often less expensive. The key components, such as the flexible membranes and rubber dome switches, are cost-effective to produce.
  4. Manufacturing efficiency: The manufacturing process for membrane keyboards is efficient and well-suited for mass production. The printing or etching of conductive traces on membrane layers is a high-volume, low-cost process.
  5. Simplified assembly: The assembly process for membrane keyboards is straightforward and requires less labor compared to the more intricate assembly of mechanical keyboards.
  6. Market demand: Membrane keyboards are in high demand for various consumer electronics, from laptops to calculators, creating economies of scale that help keep costs low.

Membrane Keyboards vs Mechanical Keyboards

When deciding between membrane and mechanical keyboards, it's important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option to determine which one is best suited to your needs. Here are some differences between mechanical keyboards and membrane keyboards.

1. Key Switch Mechanism

  • Membrane Keyboards: Membrane keyboards use a rubber or silicone membrane with conductive traces to register keypresses. When you press a key, the top membrane layer makes contact with the bottom membrane layer, closing an electrical circuit. This design provides a softer and quieter typing experience.
  • Mechanical Keyboards: Mechanical keyboards use individual mechanical switches for each key. These switches typically consist of multiple components, including a housing, a spring, and an actuation mechanism. They offer a more tactile and audible typing experience with distinct keypress feedback. There are also different kinds of switches such as silent switches, tactile switches, linear switches, and clicky switches.

2. Tactile Feedback

  • Membrane Keyboards: Membrane keyboards lack the tactile feedback of mechanical keyboards. Keypresses are typically soft, and there's little to no audible "click" sound. Some membrane keyboards may have rubber dome switches that provide a slight tactile feel.
  • Mechanical Keyboards: Mechanical keyboards are known for their pronounced tactile feedback. The keypresses have a distinct "click" or "bump," giving users a responsive and satisfying typing experience. The level of tactile feedback can vary depending on the type of mechanical switch used.

3. Noise Level

  • Membrane Keyboards: Membrane keyboards are quiet during operation, making them suitable for quiet environments or shared workspaces.
  • Mechanical Keyboards: Mechanical keyboards can be noisier due to the audible keypresses. Some users find the sound satisfying, while others prefer quieter keyboards. There are also quieter mechanical switch options available.

4. Durability

  • Membrane Keyboards: Membrane keyboards are generally more durable in terms of resistance to spills and dust because of their enclosed design and lack of exposed mechanical components. However, they may have a shorter lifespan in terms of key responsiveness.
  • Mechanical Keyboards: Mechanical keyboards, when well-maintained, can last a long time due to the robust nature of their individual switches. They are less likely to experience key responsiveness issues over time.

5. Customization

  • Membrane Keyboards: Membrane keyboards offer limited customization options. Keycap replacements and switch customization are generally not possible.
  • Mechanical Keyboards: Mechanical keyboards offer a high degree of customization. Users can choose from various switch types (e.g., clicky, tactile, linear), replace keycaps with different colors and materials, and even customize the keyboard's appearance and functionality.

6. Key Rollover

  • Membrane Keyboards: Membrane keyboards may have limitations in key rollover, meaning they can struggle to register multiple key presses simultaneously.
  • Mechanical Keyboards: Mechanical keyboards typically support superior key rollover, allowing for multiple simultaneous key presses, making them popular among gamers and power users.

Topre As A Middle-Ground Option

Looking for a keyboard that strikes a balance between affordability and tactile feedback? The Topre keyboard could be the perfect middle-ground option for you.

A Topre keyboard is a type of keyboard that uses Topre switches, a unique type of electrostatic capacitive key switch. Topre switches combine elements of both membrane and mechanical keyboards, making them a middle-ground option that offers certain advantages.

Topre Switches

  • Topre switches are known for their smooth and tactile keypress feel, which is often described as a "soft landing." They offer a good balance between the softness of membrane keyboards and the tactile feedback of mechanical keyboards.
  • Each Topre switch consists of a rubber dome with a capacitive sensor beneath it. When you press a key, the rubber dome compresses, and the capacitive sensor registers the keypress. This design provides a unique typing experience.
  • Topre switches are typically quieter than traditional mechanical switches and provide a more subtle tactile feel compared to clicky mechanical switches.


  • Price: Topre keyboards tend to be more expensive than standard membrane keyboards and some budget mechanical keyboards. The unique switch technology and premium build quality contribute to the higher cost.
  • Personal Preference: The tactile feel of Topre switches is subjective. Some users may find it comfortable and enjoyable, while others may prefer the more pronounced feedback of certain mechanical switches.
  • Limited Customization: Topre keyboards may offer limited customization options in terms of keycap replacements and switch types, compared to some mechanical keyboards with hot-swappable switches.

Topre keyboards are often regarded as middle-ground keyboard options because they provide a tactile and satisfying typing experience with reduced noise compared to mechanical switches. They offer a balance between the softness of membrane keyboards and the tactile feedback of mechanical keyboards, which makes them a good choice for users who value a unique typing experience with a quieter profile.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Membrane Keyboard

Now that you have your membrane keyboard, let's discuss how you can get the most out of it and ensure its longevity.

  1. Regular cleaning and maintenance
    • Regularly clean your keyboard to prevent the buildup of dirt, dust, and debris. Use compressed air to blow out particles from between the keys.
    • For more thorough cleaning, you can remove the keycaps (if they are removable) and clean them individually. Be sure to consult your keyboard's user manual for guidance on keycap removal and reattachment.
    • Avoid using excessive liquid when cleaning, and ensure your keyboard is completely dry before using it again.
  2. Good typing technique
    • Develop good typing habits to minimize the wear and tear on your keyboard. Avoid pressing the keys forcefully, as membrane keys are sensitive and require less force to register a keypress.
    • Type with a light touch to reduce the impact on the rubber domes and extend the keyboard's lifespan.
  3. Proper keyboard placement
    • Place your keyboard on a clean and stable surface to avoid debris getting trapped under the keys.
    • Ensure that your keyboard is at a comfortable typing angle and height to reduce strain on your wrists and fingers.
  4. Spill prevention
    • Keep liquids, food, and other potential spill hazards away from your keyboard. Membrane keyboards are more resistant to spills than mechanical keyboards, but it's still best to avoid spills altogether.
  5. Keyboard cover
    • Consider using a keyboard cover or protector to shield your keyboard from spills, dust, and other contaminants, especially if you are in an environment prone to such hazards. 
    • If you're not using your keyboard for an extended period, consider using a keyboard cover to protect it from dust and debris while in storage.
  6. Key testing
    • Periodically test your keyboard to ensure all keys are functioning correctly. You can do this by typing out the alphabet, numbers, and special characters to verify that each key registers correctly.
  7. Regular driver updates
    • If your keyboard requires specific drivers, make sure they are up to date to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with your operating system.

The Future of Membrane Keyboards

The future of membrane keyboards looks promising, as they're set to maintain their popularity in offices and homes due to their affordability and quiet operation. Manufacturers are continuously working to improve membrane keyboards. You can expect to see advancements in their design aimed at providing a better typing experience

Some potential future technologies and trends for membrane keyboards include:

  1. Hybrid Key Switches: Manufacturers may continue to explore hybrid key switch designs that blend the benefits of membrane and mechanical switches. These switches aim to provide a more tactile and responsive typing experience without the noise associated with some mechanical switches.
  2. Enhanced Tactile Feedback: Innovations in materials and design may lead to membrane switches with improved tactile feedback, making them feel closer to traditional mechanical switches while retaining the advantages of membrane technology.
  3. Customization Options: Future membrane keyboards might offer more customization options for users, including hot-swappable key switches, customizable keycaps, and RGB backlighting to cater to a wider range of preferences.
  4. Improved Durability: Membrane keyboards could become more durable with better wear-resistant materials, addressing concerns about the lifespan of rubber domes and membrane layers.
  5. Wireless and Connectivity Options: As wireless technology advances, membrane keyboards may feature more robust wireless connectivity options and extended battery life.
  6. Ergonomics: Future membrane keyboard designs may focus on enhanced ergonomics, including adjustable angles, wrist rests, and other features to reduce typing strain.
  7. Smart Keyboards: Integration of smart features like touchpads, fingerprint readers, or additional functions may become more common in membrane keyboards, providing added utility for users.
  8. Innovative Materials: The use of advanced materials, including flexible and durable polymers, may lead to more robust and lightweight membrane keyboards.
  9. Low-Profile Designs: Future membrane keyboards may incorporate low-profile designs similar to chiclet keyboards, providing a sleek and compact form factor.
  10. Eco-Friendly Materials: Manufacturers may prioritize the use of eco-friendly and recyclable materials in keyboard construction.
  11. Haptic Feedback: Incorporating haptic feedback technology into membrane keyboards can enhance the typing experience by simulating the sensation of keypresses and clicks, similar to smartphones and touchscreens.
  12. Improved Key Rollover and Response Times: Advancements in controller technology may lead to membrane keyboards with better key rollover and faster response times for gamers and power users.
  13. AI and Machine Learning: AI algorithms can be used to optimize keystroke prediction and adapt to users' typing patterns, potentially reducing typing errors and enhancing productivity.


So, are membrane keyboards really that bad? Well, not at all. It really depends on your needs and preferences.

Membrane keyboards are affordable, easily accessible, and operate quietly, making them an excellent option for beginners or office environments.

However, they do have some downsides such as durability issues and lack of tactile feedback.

If you're looking for alternatives, you might consider exploring mechanical keyboards or a middle-ground option like Topre.

The world of membrane keyboards is constantly evolving, and they become better with the latest advancements.

Chris Greiner, a Mechanical Keyboard specialist, boasts a solid educational background with dual bachelor's degrees in Computer Science and Business Management from Lewis University. His additional certification in Mechanical Keyboard Design showcases his dedication to staying on the forefront of keyboard technology. Chris primarily writes for keyboard enthusiasts and has been featured on platforms like Jestik, solidifying his reputation as a thought leader in the mechanical keyboard community.
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